Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The pens are lifted, the ink has dried..

- 5 pillars of Islam.
- 6 pillars of Iman; one of them is believing in Qadr - divine destiny of Allah.

> Hadith: When Ibn Abbas R.A., cousin of Prophet alayhissalaam, was a young boy, he was told by the Prophet S.A.W. that, know if the whole world were to join hands together to benefit you, they wouldn't be able to benefit you except by what Allah ta'ala wrote for you; and if they joined together to harm, they wouldn't be able to harm you except by what Allah has ordained for you. The pens are lifted, the ink has dried on the pages of the Lawh-el-Mahfuz. (At Tirmidhi)
- Look at the story of Musa A.S. vs the nation of Pharoe; look at the story Ibrahim A.S. vs the fire.

> Trust Allah 100%. Allah will give you rizq like the birds.
-Did you see any birds that are engineers or doctors? They go out in the morning empty stomach and return full stomach.
-Rely only on Allah. Allah will give you rizq, no matter where you are, but look for barakah.
-Allah says your rizq is looking for you like death is looking for you. Nobody will die until Allah gives him full rizq and full time. (rizq - provision, time - lifespan)

> Allah says, some of your families and wives are enemies to you, because they are keeping you busy by getting rizq for them; which means you aren't getting time to get to Masjid and or do other good and mandatory deeds.

> Hadith: The strong believer is more beloved and better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer.
- Strong in what?
- Knowledge, understanding, health, children, family, money, wealth, everything.

> Allah says: It may that you dislike a thing, which is good for you, and you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know!

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