Tuesday, December 21, 2010

7 Major sins Muslims MUST avoid

Famous Hadith: Most people know about it but they do not realize about it; it's very dangerous. Be away from 7 things; 7 Major sins, which if committed by any Muslim, will destroy his deen, his Islam. 

1) Set partner with Allah
2) Magic (learning/practicing)
3) Killing someone innocent without excuse
4) Interest (in Banks; giving/taking)
5) To take the wealth/money of the orphans and to oppress them
6) When you face the Kuffar in war, to turn your face away from them; to show them your back; i.e. to run away from the battlefield
7) To insult and to talk bad about the Honor of your sister in Islam
Though there are more than 100 major sin, these 7 are the most dangerous ones and thus Prophet  mentioned them in the hadith. 


1) Set partner with Allah

> Someone who's seeking from everyone else, not from Allah. 
> Once Hazrat Umar ibn al Khattab R.A. had some dates with him. He felt like worshipping, but didn't have any idles with him. So, he molded the dates to form it into a shape of an idle and he worshipped it. Later when he was hungry because his father didn't give him food, he had to eat that idle of dates; i.e. he ate his god; delicious god. :) May Allah bless Hazrat's soul; he became the 2nd khalifah of Islam and Allah honored him with the 2nd highest status of all people after the prophets. 
> When Abu Zar al Ghaffari R.A. became Muslim, he visited Rasoolullah  and the Prophet asked him, what did the fox do with your god oh Aba Zar? Abu Zar said who told you about it? The fox was urinating on the idle god of Abu Zar. 

2) Magic

> Mostly by women who don't have iman and are upset with everyone. 
> Labid ibn Asim made magic with the hair of Rasoolullah  and hid the kno under the well 'Riwan'. Rasoolullah used to think that he was sleeping with his wives, but in reality, he did not. This was the affect of the magic. Hazrat Jibril alayhissalaam came to Rasoolullah and told Him that someone made magic on you. When asked, He was told where it's hidden. Rasoolullah sent Abbas and Ali R.A. and they retrieved that magic knot. 

Hadith: If any Muslim just goes to a fortune teller to ask him something; he (the Muslim) doesn't believe in the magician, but just is there to ask him something, Allah will not accept his prayers for 40 days! If he believes in him, then he is Kafir!
Hadith: Surtul Baqara Tabhul Batala > Rasoolullah  said, Surah Baqara killing the batil; the magicians and the falsehood. 

Some ways to cure magic: though the whole Quran is blessed, but some ayah are especially revealed to cure magic. 
1) Surah Fatiha 7 times
2) 1st 5 ayah of Surah Baqara
3) Baqara, ayah 102, about the kingdom of Prophet Sulaiman/Solomon alayhissalaam and the devils
4) Surah Baqara: Inna fe khaliqissamawait wal ardi wakhtilafinnar..
5) Ayatul Kursi - the greatest verse of Quran
6) Last for 'Qul's of Quran

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