Friday, December 17, 2010

You will be in Paradise with those you love

Hadith: Anas ibn Malik R.A. was sitting next to Hujur A.S. and remembered that he will be in a different level in jannah and he was crying. Prophet S.A.W. asked him why you are crying? He answered (the difference of level). Prophet S.A.W. said you will be with those you love. Anas R.A. said, I love the messenger of Allah S.A.W., Abu Bakr as Siddiqui R.A. and Umar bin al Khattab R.A.

(Anas ibn Malik R.A. died at 120 years of age. His mom asked prophet S.A.W. - Allah give him barakah in his life, children and wealth. Saw more than 120 of his children and grand children. Taught the 1st gen of tabeyyin because of the dua. )

Hadith 2: A bedouin asked the prophet S.A.W. when is the hour? He (S.A.W.) said what did you prepare for it? He said-nothing, but I love Allah and his messenger.
> This isn't good enough if he doesn't pray or give jakah or fast and rest of the duties of Islam.

Hadith 3: Prophet S.A.W. asked Harisa how are you today. He (R.A.) replied I am full of iman today. Prophet S.A.S. said prove it to me. He said I woke up as if I see the throne of Allah in front of my eyes,  as if I see the people of the hellfire in severe punishment, crying; as if I see the people of jannah, mashallah they are so happy; the dirt of this duniya is nothing to me. Prophet S.A.S. said you have full of iman and what you just told me, stick with it. Prophet S.A.W. then called the sahabees and told them if you want to see someone amongst you with full of iman form hair to toe, look at Harisa R.A. Harisa R.A. became a shaheed in the Battle of Badr - This was a final proof of his iman.

R.A. = Radiyallahu Anh = Allah is happy with him
S.A.W. = Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalaam = May the blessings and the peace of Allah be upon him (usually exclusively for Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.)

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